Sunday, 18 October 2015

Sunday Drinking

Apologies for the lack of blogging lately. Having been on overload lately with the new book and other bits, it's been enough of a challenge just to drink some of the stuff, never mind get more beers reviewed. But today I intend to wind down with a boozy end to the weekend. Yes, I know, it’s not always a great idea. You should be keeping semi sober for the working week ahead. But sometimes you need that last little bite of the weekend- and sometimes the best drop is that cheeky last pint that you shouldn’t have had.

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My first drop is St Peter’s India Pale Ale, anyway. An interesting company this one- organic hops and ingredients, yadda yadda. The bottles themselves look like they could have been designed by a druid. Not that you have to buy it off a druid, because this is a brew you can find in several of the bigger supermarkets. Their organic ale is decent, but I reckoned this might be a bit old school for my tastes (although bonus points for the little history lesson on the bottle, rather than the usual “aren’t we edgy” branding).

Actually, this is good. Quite a zesty nose, and a nice rich ale middle. Quite floral, and nothing like as bold as a new world IPA, but still pleasantly hoppy and with a reasonable hit of bitterness. This has depth, balance and plenty of flavour.

SUMMARY: Nothing crazily daring, but a lovely, balanced flavour to this aromatic, old school IPA.

As for that final Sunday bottle (oh, go on then), I also had my eye on a last little bottle of suspiciously dark character. Nightmare on Bold Street is a milk stout from the Mad Hatter Brewery in Liverpool. In collaboration with Bold Street Coffee, they mix fresh beans into this dark beer.

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It’s more interesting than it sounds too. You can taste that obvious hint of coffee, but there are other layers too- an earthy, sort of licorice quality to it. Other bits you can’t quite place. Beautifully malty too. As a devout IPA fan, I realise that I might be straying from the path, but this is great stuff.

SUMMARY: A really fine alternative stout, with bitter, spicy depth.

Ok, that is probably last orders. Or time for just one more?

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